Event Report - CyberTech
“CYBERTECH” is the main global B2B networking platform in cyber industry and they’ve conducted cyber-related events around the world. From Tel Aviv and Rome, to Tokyo, Singapore, Panama, and more, they serve conferences and exhibitions as the go-to places to study all about the cusp of cyber technologies and the innovations. You can also learn about the threats and the solutions combating threats.
HP : https://www.cybertechisrael.com/
The event “CYBERTECH” conference will be held in Tel Aviv from Jan.28 to Jan.30, 2018. Israel has the most advanced cyber industry so it can be estimated that many people will flock to this event from all over the world. These events feature top executives, government officials, leading decision-makers from a wide range of sectors including critical infrastructure, insurance, retail, health and government, defense, R&D, manufacturing, automotive, and more. Now, cyber technology is essential for almost all industries. This event would be the best place for having a clear view of use case of the technology and networking.
In this event, you can see Netanyahu and other many speakers from cyber-related leading companies such as Cybereason, Check Point and IBM, etc. This is only a partial list of speakers in the event and you have a chance to develop your understanding of cyber technological innovations.
・ 28.1.2019 - Exhibition only - 14:00-18:00
・ 29.1.2019 - Conference & exhibition
・ 30.1.2019 - Conference & exhibition
Full schedule → https://cybertechisrael.com/program
【Special events & Summit】(Source: https://cybertechisrael.com/)
There are some special events and summit focused on a specific sector such as Airports, Cyber medical or Automotive, etc.
They will also serve a special event about famous unit “8200” in Israeli Army. If you’re interested in the Israeli startup ecosystem, you should understand what.